Bret Barnard - Stratford High
Why Honored: Barnard didn't let an injury that prevented him from continuing to play football and other sports slow him down. Picking up another sport, Barnard immediately excelled in trapshooting. He won the Texas High School Rodeo Association trapshooting competition in Abilene to qualify for nationals, then won the national competition in Gillette, Wyoming, defeating 109 other competitors there from 39 states, Canada, and Australia. All of this happened in his first year of competitive shooting.
Quotable: "I wasn't familiar with the award, so it was a huge surprise when I received the letter that I received this award. I'm extremely honored. There was something that happened that kind of opened the door to this. I needed something to fill that competitive void, and that's what trapshooting has done. Planning to join the junior Olympics this summer, and it's kind of a goal to go towards the Olympics."
- Barnard